======Joe Biden====== //Joe Biden// is a [[CorruptPoliticians| Corrupt Politician]] who was Vice President of the United States under Barrack Obama and ran for president in the 2020 election cycle with [[KamalaHarris|Kamala Harris]]. He has been a big proponent of increasing the amount of [[DeepStateCorruption | Deep State Corruption]] and has been highly innovative in monetizing his public office with //pay to play schemes// and molesting women and children in public. =====Rigging of the 2020 Presidential Election===== During the 2020 Presidential Election, Joe Biden lost the presidential election to [[DonaldTrump|Donald Trump]] on election day by a major landslide then used fraudulent mail in ballots and other forms of election fraud to swing the election back to himself. =====Notable Events===== - [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9_4RIvIAw8k 1987 - Joe Biden Lies About College]] - Claimed to have graduated at the top of his class when he really graduated at the bottom of his class. - [[https://nypost.com/2020/09/23/hunter-biden-received-3-5m-from-russian-billionaire-report/ 2015 - Hunter Biden Receives 3.5 Million Dollars from Elena Baturina, Wife of Moscow's Former Mayor]] - [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KCF9My1vBP4 2016 - Joe Biden Brags About Pressuring Ukraine to Fire a Prosecutor]] - Prosecutor was investigating Joe Biden's son's corrupt energy firm Burisma Holdings. - [[https://youtu.be/aiiSq7toqlQ 2020 - In Shock Presser, Hunter's Ex-Biz Partner Speaks; Says Turning Over "All Evidence To FBI"]] ---- [[CorruptPoliticians|Corrupt Politicians]] [[DeepStateCorruption | Deep State Corruption]]