Revision [28121]

This is an old revision of HomePage made by OpenMindSpace on 2013-06-28 16:12:10.


The purpose of OpenMindSpace, is to provide a resource freedom loving, free thinking individuals, who want to live outside of the StatistQuo, who want to be free, despite whatever others may choose to do. Its Anarchism without idealism, its freedom without approval and, if you play your strategy right, much of it can be done without breaking many, if any laws, or incurring the wrath of any State or otherwise powerful organization.

We're creating a resource here, for people to learn of ways they can live a better life, without being dependent on the state. For years we've read about Agorism, Survivalism and Anarchism; seeing countless ways you can work with friends, family and associates, to get what you need, without necessarily empowering the state in the process.

ExobiologyThe study of life beyond earth, to determine the deeper nature of life in the cosmos.
PersonalLiberty Personal LibertyThe idea that all agreements should be voluntary, private property should be sacrosanct, no-one has the legitimate right to initiate force on another and everyone has the right to defend themselves.
MetaphysicsMetaphysics is the study of the nature of conscious existence. Metaphysicians often strive to understand the relationship between the material and the spiritual world; so they can better understand the manifold mysteries that science is often unable to have a very complete understanding of, with its purely material approach.
MaverickScience Maverick Science
ModernSurvivalism Modern SurvivalismModern survivalism is a set of principles by which individuals become more adept at surviving in times of strive, while also using their preparations to improve their everyday life.
TaiChi Tai ChiThere are many different disciplines in the realm of Tai Chi, though they tend to have many similarities. Tai Chi is used to enhance the body's energies, to create improve health and the overall function, skill and awareness of the practitioner.
WellnessResources for optimizing your overall health and well by natural and holistic means.
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