Revision [29208]

This is an old revision of AdamMizner made by OpenMindSpace on 2016-05-27 19:05:00.


Adam Mizner


A practitioner of traditional Yang Style TaiChi Tai Chi who resides in Phuket, Thailand and often teaches in-depth seminars on Tai Chi. He is a proponent of the FiveLooseningExercises Five Loosening Exercises and utilizes them as the foundation of his teaching.


"There are two main reasons why people fail to develop the powers of Taijiquan.

1. Abandoning correct shape they bend here and break there and call it yielding or being soft.

2. Abandoning Song they grasp here and hold there calling it Peng. With these errors in place the Qi cannot sink to the Dan Tien, the Qi cannot mobilize and the powers cannot manifest."

--May 27, 2014

TaiChi Biographies

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