Revision history for Microgreens

Revision [29347]

Last edited on 2017-01-02 16:28:57 by OpenMindSpace
---{{category}}--- --- ----[[CategoryCategory | List of all categories]]
|---{{category}}--- --- ----[[CategoryCategory | List of all categories]]

Revision [29346]

Edited on 2017-01-02 16:28:34 by OpenMindSpace
=====Popular Varieties of Microgreens=====
=====Equipment for Growing Microgreens=====
=====Continuous Harvest=====
===Wheatgrass: Four Day Continuous Harvest Cycle===
|---{{category}}--- --- ----[[CategoryCategory | List of all categories]]
====Popular Varieties of Microgreens====
====Equipment for Growing Microgreens====
====Continuous Harvest====
==Wheatgrass: Four Day Continuous Harvest Cycle==
|---{{category}}--- --- ----[[CategoryCategory List of all categories]]

Revision [28962]

Edited on 2014-02-02 02:31:45 by OpenMindSpace
|=|Day 22||**harvest tray**||grow in light, water tray||uncover, grow in light, water tray||spray tray||rinse seeds every 12h||**soak seeds 12h**||
|=|Day 22||**harvest tray**||grow in light, water tray||sow seeds in tray, cover||spray tray||rinse seeds every 12h||**soak seeds 12h**||

Revision [28961]

Edited on 2014-02-02 02:31:09 by OpenMindSpace
|=|Day 21||grow in light, water tray||grow in light, water tray||spray tray||sow seeds in tray, cover||rinse seeds every 12h||**harvest tray**||
|=|Day 22||**harvest tray**||grow in light, water tray||sow seeds in tray, cover||spray tray||rinse seeds every 12h||**soak seeds 12h**||
|=|Day 21||grow in light, water tray||grow in light, water tray||spray tray||rinse seeds every 12h||rinse seeds every 12h||**harvest tray**||
|=|Day 22||**harvest tray**||grow in light, water tray||spray tray||rinse seeds every 12h||rinse seeds every 12h||**soak seeds 12h**||

Revision [28960]

Edited on 2014-02-02 02:28:36 by OpenMindSpace
|=|Day 17||spray tray||sow seeds in tray, cover||rinse seeds every 12h||**harvest tray**||grow in light, water tray||uncover, grow in light, water tray||
|=|Day 18||uncover, grow in light, water try||spray tray||rinse seeds every 12h||**soak seeds 12h**||grow in light, water tray||grow in light, water tray||
|=|Day 21||grow in light, water tray||grow in light, water tray||spray tray||rinse seeds every 12h||rinse seeds every 12h||**harvest tray**||
|=|Day 22||**harvest tray**||grow in light, water tray||spray tray||rinse seeds every 12h||rinse seeds every 12h||**soak seeds 12h**||
|=|Day 17||spray tray||sow seeds in tray, cover||rinse seeds every 12h||**harvest tray**||grow in light, water tray||sow seeds in tray, cover||
|=|Day 18||uncover, grow in light, water try||spray tray||rinse seeds every 12h||**soak seeds 12h**||grow in light, water tray||uncover, grow in light, water tray||
|=|Day 21||grow in light, water tray||grow in light, water tray||spray tray||rinse seeds every 12h||rinse seeds every 12h||grow in light, water tray||
|=|Day 22||**harvest tray**||grow in light, water tray||spray tray||rinse seeds every 12h||rinse seeds every 12h||**harvest tray**||

Revision [28959]

Edited on 2014-02-02 02:26:18 by OpenMindSpace
|=|Day 11||**harvest tray**||grow in light, water tray||uncover, grow in light, water tray||spray tray||rinse seeds every 12h||**soak seeds 12h**||
|=|Day 11||**harvest tray**||grow in light, water tray||uncover, grow in light, water tray||spray tray||rinse seeds every 12h||**soak seeds 12h||

Revision [28958]

Edited on 2014-02-02 02:25:33 by OpenMindSpace
|=|Day 13||rinse seeds every 12h||**harvest tray**||grow in light, water tray||uncover, grow in light, water tray||spray tray||rinse seeds every 12h||
|=|Day 15||sow seeds in tray, cover||rinse seeds every 12h||**harvest tray**||grow in light, water tray||uncover, grow in light, water tray||spray tray||
|=|Day 17||spray tray||sow seeds in tray, cover||rinse seeds every 12h||**harvest tray**||grow in light, water tray||sow seeds in tray, cover||
|=|Day 19||grow in light, water tray||spray tray||sow seeds in tray, cover||rinse seeds every 12h||**harvest tray**||grow in light, water tray||
|=|Day 13||rinse seeds every 12h||**harvest**||grow in light, water tray||uncover, grow in light, water tray||spray tray||rinse seeds every 12h||
|=|Day 15||sow seeds in tray, cover||rinse seeds every 12h||**harvest**||grow in light, water tray||uncover, grow in light, water tray||spray tray||
|=|Day 17||spray tray||sow seeds in tray, cover||rinse seeds every 12h||**harvest**||grow in light, water tray||sow seeds in tray, cover||
|=|Day 19||grow in light, water tray||spray tray||sow seeds in tray, cover||rinse seeds every 12h||**harvest**||grow in light, water tray||

Revision [28957]

Edited on 2014-02-02 02:24:45 by OpenMindSpace
|=|Day 22||**harvest tray**||grow in light, water tray||spray tray||rinse seeds every 12h||rinse seeds every 12h||**harvest tray**||
|=|Day 22||**harvest**||grow in light, water tray||spray tray||rinse seeds every 12h||rinse seeds every 12h||grow in light, water tray||

Revision [28956]

Edited on 2014-02-02 02:23:30 by OpenMindSpace
|=|Day 18||uncover, grow in light, water try||spray tray||rinse seeds every 12h||**soak seeds 12h**||grow in light, water tray||uncover, grow in light, water tray||
|=|Day 19||grow in light, water tray||spray tray||sow seeds in tray, cover||rinse seeds every 12h||**harvest**||grow in light, water tray||
|=|Day 20||grow in light, water tray||uncover, grow in light, water tray||spray tray||rinse seeds every 12h||**soak seeds 12h**||grow in light, water tray||
|=|Day 21||grow in light, water tray||grow in light, water tray||spray tray||rinse seeds every 12h||rinse seeds every 12h||grow in light, water tray||
|=|Day 22||**harvest**||grow in light, water tray||spray tray||rinse seeds every 12h||rinse seeds every 12h||grow in light, water tray||
|=|Day 18||sow seeds in tray, cover||spray tray||rinse seeds every 12h||**soak seeds 12h**||grow in light, water tray||spray tray||

Revision [28955]

Edited on 2014-02-02 02:18:28 by OpenMindSpace
|=|Day 16||spray tray||rinse seeds every 12h||**soak seeds 12h**||grow in light, water tray||grow in light, water tray||spray tray||
|=|Day 17||spray tray||sow seeds in tray, cover||rinse seeds every 12h||**harvest**||grow in light, water tray||sow seeds in tray, cover||
|=|Day 18||sow seeds in tray, cover||spray tray||rinse seeds every 12h||**soak seeds 12h**||grow in light, water tray||spray tray||

Revision [28954]

Edited on 2014-02-02 02:15:00 by OpenMindSpace
|=|Day 14||rinse seeds every 12h||**soak seeds 12h**||grow in light, water tray||grow in light, water tray||spray tray||sow seeds in tray, cover||
|=|Day 15||sow seeds in tray, cover||rinse seeds every 12h||**harvest**||grow in light, water tray||uncover, grow in light, water tray||spray tray||

Revision [28953]

Edited on 2014-02-02 02:12:31 by OpenMindSpace
|=|Day 9||grow in light, water tray||uncover, grow in light, water tray||spray tray||rinse seeds every 12h||**soak seeds 12h**||empty||
|=|Day 10||grow in light, water tray||grow in light, water tray||spray tray||sow seeds in tray, cover||rinse seeds every 12h||empty||
|=|Day 11||**harvest tray**||grow in light, water tray||uncover, grow in light, water tray||spray tray||rinse seeds every 12h||**soak seeds 12h||
|=|Day 12||**soak seeds 12h**||grow in light, water tray||grow in light, water tray||spray tray||sow seeds in tray, cover||rinse seeds every 12h||
|=|Day 13||rinse seeds every 12h||**harvest**||grow in light, water tray||uncover, grow in light, water tray||spray tray||rinse seeds every 12h||
|=|Day 9||grow in light, water tray||uncover, grow in light, water tray||spray tray||rinse seeds every 12h||empty||empty||
|=|Day 10||grow in light, water tray||grow in light, water tray||spray tray||sow seeds in tray, cover||empty||empty||

Revision [28952]

Edited on 2014-02-02 02:08:48 by OpenMindSpace
|=|Day 10||grow in light, water tray||grow in light, water tray||spray tray||sow seeds in tray, cover||empty||empty||
|=|Day 10||grow in light, water tray||grow in light, water tray||spray tray||uncover, grow in light, water tray||empty||empty||

Revision [28951]

Edited on 2014-02-02 02:08:08 by OpenMindSpace
|=|Day 8||grow in light, water tray||spray tray||sow seeds in tray, cover||rinse seeds every 12h||empty||empty||
|=|Day 9||grow in light, water tray||uncover, grow in light, water tray||spray tray||rinse seeds every 12h||empty||empty||
|=|Day 10||grow in light, water tray||grow in light, water tray||spray tray||uncover, grow in light, water tray||empty||empty||
|=|Day 8||grow in light, water tray||spray tray||sow seeds in tray, cover||**soak seeds 12h**||empty||empty||

Revision [28950]

Edited on 2014-02-02 02:06:23 by OpenMindSpace
==Wheatgrass: Two Day Continuous Harvest Cycle==
|| |=|Tray 1|=|Tray 2|=|Tray 3|=|Tray 4|=|Tray 5|=|Tray 6||
|=|Day 1||**soak seeds 12h**||empty||empty||empty||empty||empty||
|=|Day 2||rinse seeds every 12h||empty||empty||empty||empty||empty||
|=|Day 3||rinse seeds every 12h||**soak seeds 12h**||empty||empty||empty||empty||
|=|Day 4||sow seeds in tray, cover||rinse seeds every 12h||empty||empty||empty||empty||
|=|Day 5||spray tray||rinse seeds every 12h||**soak seeds 12h**||empty||empty||empty||
|=|Day 6||spray tray||sow seeds in tray, cover||rinse seeds every 12h||empty||empty||empty||
|=|Day 7||uncover, grow in light, water tray||spray tray||rinse seeds every 12h||**soak seeds 12h**||empty||empty||
|=|Day 8||grow in light, water tray||spray tray||sow seeds in tray, cover||**soak seeds 12h**||empty||empty||

Revision [28949]

Edited on 2014-02-01 22:16:10 by OpenMindSpace
|=|Day 17||spray tray||rinse seeds every 12h||**harvest tray**||
After the 17th day, given our assumptions, continuous harvest will have been achieved and all three trays will have been harvested once.
|=|Day 17||spray tray||rinse seeds every 12h||grow in light ,water tray||
|=|Day 18||uncover, grow in light, water tray||sow seeds in tray, cover||**harvest tray**||
After the 18th day, given our assumptions, continuous harvest will have been achieved and all three trays will have been harvested once.

Revision [28948]

Edited on 2014-02-01 22:15:17 by OpenMindSpace
|=|Day 14||rinse seeds every 12h||**harvest tray**||grow in light ,water tray||
|=|Day 15||sow seeds in tray, cover||**soak seeds 12h**||grow in light ,water tray||
|=|Day 16||spray tray||rinse seeds every 12h||grow in light ,water tray||
|=|Day 18||uncover, grow in light, water tray||sow seeds in tray, cover||**harvest tray**||
|=|Day 14||rinse seeds every 12h||grow in light, water tray||grow in light ,water tray||
|=|Day 15||sow seeds in tray, cover||**harvest tray**||grow in light ,water tray||
|=|Day 16||spray tray||**soak seeds 12h**||grow in light ,water tray||
|=|Day 18||uncover, grow in light, water tray||rinse seeds every 12h||**harvest tray**||

Revision [28947]

Edited on 2014-02-01 22:13:52 by OpenMindSpace
|=|Day 7||uncover, grow in light, water tray||sow seeds in tray, cover||**soak seeds 12h**||
|=|Day 8||grow in light, water tray||spray tray||rinse seeds every 12h||
|=|Day 10||grow in light, water tray||uncover, grow in light, water tray||sow seeds in tray, cover||
|=|Day 11||**harvest tray**||grow in light, water tray||spray tray||
|=|Day 13||rinse seeds every 12h||grow in light, water tray||uncover, grow in light ,water tray||
|=|Day 14||rinse seeds every 12h||grow in light, water tray||grow in light ,water tray||
|=|Day 18||uncover, grow in light, water tray||rinse seeds every 12h||**harvest tray**||
After the 18th day, given our assumptions, continuous harvest will have been achieved and all three trays will have been harvested once.
|=|Day 7||uncover, grow in light, water tray||sow seeds in tray, cover||empty||
|=|Day 8||grow in light, water tray||spray tray||**soak seeds 12h**||
|=|Day 10||grow in light, water tray||uncover, grow in light, water tray||rinse seeds every 12h||
|=|Day 11||**harvest tray**||grow in light, water tray||sow seeds in tray, cover||
|=|Day 13||rinse seeds every 12h||grow in light, water tray||spray tray||
|=|Day 14||rinse seeds every 12h||grow in light, water tray||uncover, grow in light ,water tray||
|=|Day 18||uncover, grow in light, water tray||rinse seeds every 12h||grow in light ,water tray||
|=|Day 19||grow in light, water tray||sow seeds in tray, cover||**harvest tray**||
After the 19th day, given our assumptions, continuous harvest will have been achieved and all three trays will have been harvested once.

Revision [28946]

Edited on 2014-02-01 22:10:42 by OpenMindSpace
|=|Day 1||**soak seeds 12h**||empty||empty||
|=|Day 4||sow seeds in tray, cover||**soak seeds 12h**||empty||
|=|Day 8||grow in light, water tray||spray tray||**soak seeds 12h**||
|=|Day 11||**harvest tray**||grow in light, water tray||sow seeds in tray, cover||
|=|Day 12||**soak seeds 12h**||grow in light, water tray||spray tray||
|=|Day 15||sow seeds in tray, cover||**harvest tray**||grow in light ,water tray||
|=|Day 16||spray tray||**soak seeds 12h**||grow in light ,water tray||
|=|Day 19||grow in light, water tray||sow seeds in tray, cover||**harvest tray**||
|=|Day 1||soak seeds 12h||empty||empty||
|=|Day 4||sow seeds in tray, cover||soak seeds 12h||empty||
|=|Day 8||grow in light, water tray||spray tray||soak seeds 12h||
|=|Day 11||harvest tray||grow in light, water tray||sow seeds in tray, cover||
|=|Day 12||soak seeds 12h||grow in light, water tray||spray tray||
|=|Day 15||sow seeds in tray, cover||harvest tray||grow in light ,water tray||
|=|Day 16||spray tray||soak seeds 12h||grow in light ,water tray||
|=|Day 19||grow in light, water tray||sow seeds in tray, cover||harvest||

Revision [28945]

Edited on 2014-02-01 22:09:03 by OpenMindSpace
====Continuous Harvest====
Continuous harvest is a method of starting new microgreen trays on a regular interval, to help ensure a harvest at about the same interval. If microgreens can be produced consistently, it is possible to produce a relatively predictable harvest and have a high level of confidence that microgreens will be available when needed.
Here are a few sample continuous harvest rotations, which may help in the design of these kinds of rotations. Its important to experiment and determine how long and how consistent, the harvests are in a particular configuration, to make sure that the continuous harvest planning will produce the best results.
The average time to produce a tray of wheatgrass is about 10 days. Given this assumption, here are a few sample continuous harvest cycles.
==Wheatgrass: Four Day Continuous Harvest Cycle==
|| |=|Tray 1|=|Tray 2|=|Tray 3||
|=|Day 1||soak seeds 12h||empty||empty||
|=|Day 2||rinse seeds every 12h||empty||empty||
|=|Day 3||rinse seeds every 12h||empty||empty||
|=|Day 4||sow seeds in tray, cover||soak seeds 12h||empty||
|=|Day 5||spray tray||rinse seeds every 12h||empty||
|=|Day 6||spray tray||rinse seeds every 12h||empty||
|=|Day 7||uncover, grow in light, water tray||sow seeds in tray, cover||empty||
|=|Day 8||grow in light, water tray||spray tray||soak seeds 12h||
|=|Day 9||grow in light, water tray||spray tray||rinse seeds every 12h||
|=|Day 10||grow in light, water tray||uncover, grow in light, water tray||rinse seeds every 12h||
|=|Day 11||harvest tray||grow in light, water tray||sow seeds in tray, cover||
|=|Day 12||soak seeds 12h||grow in light, water tray||spray tray||
|=|Day 13||rinse seeds every 12h||grow in light, water tray||spray tray||
|=|Day 14||rinse seeds every 12h||grow in light, water tray||uncover, grow in light ,water tray||
|=|Day 15||sow seeds in tray, cover||harvest tray||grow in light ,water tray||
|=|Day 16||spray tray||soak seeds 12h||grow in light ,water tray||
|=|Day 17||spray tray||rinse seeds every 12h||grow in light ,water tray||
|=|Day 18||uncover, grow in light, water tray||rinse seeds every 12h||grow in light ,water tray||
|=|Day 19||grow in light, water tray||sow seeds in tray, cover||harvest||
After the 19th day, given our assumptions, continuous harvest will have been achieved and all three trays will have been harvested once.
|---{{category}}--- --- ----[[CategoryCategory List of all categories]]
----{{category}}--- --- ----[[CategoryCategory List of all categories]]

Revision [28931]

Edited on 2014-01-27 01:11:30 by OpenMindSpace

Revision [28930]

Edited on 2014-01-27 01:10:26 by OpenMindSpace
- [[Broccoli]]
- [[Brocolli]]

Revision [28891]

Edited on 2014-01-18 23:21:09 by OpenMindSpace
====Equipment for Growing Microgreens====
- [[PVCShelving PVC Shelving]] - Economize on shelves by building them from PVC pipe and fittings.

Revision [28832]

Edited on 2013-12-22 20:23:31 by OpenMindSpace
- [[Arugula]]
- [[Brocolli]]
- [[Cabbage]]
- [[Celery]]
- [[Chia]]
- [[Clover]]
- [[Flax]]
- [[Kale]]
- [[Mustard]]
- [[Peas]]
- [[Sunflower]]
- [[Turnip]]
- [[Wheatgrass]]
- Arugula
- Brocolli
- Cabbage
- Celery
- Chia
- Clover
- Flax
- Kale
- Mustard
- Peas
- Sunflower
- Turnip
- Wheatgrass

Revision [28830]

Edited on 2013-12-22 20:20:57 by OpenMindSpace
----{{category}}--- --- ----[[CategoryCategory List of all categories]]

Revision [28828]

The oldest known version of this page was created on 2013-12-22 20:19:02 by OpenMindSpace
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